DIY Detox Diary: Day Two

My apologies for the delay in posting Day Two of my DIY Detox, I will post Day Two and Day Three today for you. For those of you who have no idea what I’m on about, check out my DIY Detox Diary: Day One and Preparation posts.

The day started well enough. We had our four day juices all ready to go in the morning which made the start of the day go a lot smoother and was a lot less stressful. Juice #1 & #2 went down fine – they are probably two of the tastiest of the six daily juices.

Luckily, we had learned our lesson from the hideous Juice #3 the day before and we added some tomato and a lot less ginger to it for lunch today. It went down alright, but it really isn’t that satisfying. I’m not finding myself hungry per se, just so unsatisfied by these juice to a point where I almost can’t be bothered drinking them.

Late afternoon I headed to the pool to meet up with some girlfriends, Juice #4 in tow in my ‘Schkinny Fresky’ (I cringe just typing that name) on ice for the drive over. As my luck would have it, I walked into the pool at the exact same time that three of the girls happened to be heading to the snack bar. Again, my inner monologue was having a screaming match with my stomach, intensely debating whether or not hot chips are, in fact, the best thing ever invented and pretty much my favourite food group of all time. I desperately rifled through my bag to find good old Juice #4, hoping it would be my saviour against the sweet smell of dirty, greasy, pool food while mumbling “No, I’m good” to my friends when they asked if I wanted anything. Another hot tip: avoid snack bars at all costs. I think I may have actually caught myself drooling whilst intensely watching my friend devour a potato cake.

At last we were done in the snack bar and we headed outside to find the other girls sun baking. One of the more health conscious girls (not that the others aren’t, they’re all dance teachers so a potato cake or a callipo now and then isn’t going to do much damage) was munching away on some nuts and kindly offered me some. It took all the (very, very little) energy I had not to scream “Do I want some nuts!? Do I want some nuts!? Of course I want some goddamn nuts, I’ve been living off shitty juice for the past two days!!”, while simultaneously grabbing the bag of nuts from her hands and stuffing them in my mouth like a ravage animal that has just been let out of captivity. Instead, I politely declined and proceeded to sip on my (now disturbingly warm) juice.

I got home in the evening after my afternoon in the sun feeling particularly weak and not at all in the mood for Juice #5. I had prepared this juice earlier in the day and only had to heat it up for us to have as our dinner but could not for the life of me bring myself to “eat” it. This feeling was not at all helped by my boyfriend complaining about how hungry he was as well as constantly rambling about all the food he wanted to eat. We both agreed that we were just so bored of the juices and so unsatisfied by them that we would rather go hungry than have another juice. I deliberated for quite some time about what to do (I honestly could not stomach another juice) and finally decided that it wouldn’t hurt that much, surely, if we had a cheeky salad for dinner with only raw vegetables.

So, that’s what we did – and I felt like such a failure for breaking it on day two, especially considering that I did a three day cleanse last year with no dramas at all. I figured maybe we would cut it down to three days instead of five, especially as we were planning on visiting my mum on Thursday for Australia Day, and just replace the lunch and/or the dinner juices with raw salads for the next day.

With this idea in my head, we still had our “dessert juice” which we both quite like, at the end of the night.

I was incredibly disappointed in myself for breaking the cleanse but was determined to power on and get through it.

Here’s to Day Three!

Eleanor x

DIY Detox Diary: Day One

Dear Detox Diary,

Today is my first day of my DIY Detox or my fruit and vegetable juice cleanse.

6.30am – Wake up after only 5 or 6 hours of sleep and get to work making our first 4 juices for the day. So glad I portioned up the fruit and veggies during my preparation yesterday but it is still taking ages to make 8 juices! Squeeze myself some lemon with warm water.

8.00am – Finish juicing just in time to send the boyfriend off to work with a detox goodie bag of 4 juices and some detox tea. I start on Juice #1: Spinach, Snowpea, Apple, Honeydew and Chlorophyll aka “Mean Greenie”. This one is really yummy!

8.30am – Getting a bit sleepy and exhausted with a slight headache, though this could be due to my lack of sleep and stressful morning of juicing and not the detox.

8.50am – Decide to go and rest in bed, so glad to be a uni student on holidays!

10.17am – Get a call from my boyfriend at work and chat about how we’re feeling and our plans for the week, finish my last quarter of juice one and feel refreshed but still a bit lethargic.

11.36am – Just got a tiny hunger pang, time for Juice #2: Celery, Apple, Ginger and Kiwifruit aka “Immuno Booster”. Another green one, this one is nice and refreshing. Feeling good!

12.42pm – Still working on Juice #2 (I’m such a slow poke!) and actually feel quite full!? Who knew juice could be so filling!

1.30pm – Called my boyfriend who is struggling, “Baby, this is so shit”. He’s not enjoying it at all! I wouldn’t want to be at work and having to use my brain too much today, must be hard.

2.00pm – A bit late on Juice #3: Carrot, Parsley, Beetroot and Ginger aka “Ginger Minge”. Holy crap, this one is disgusting! Way too much ginger! Pulled the foulest of faces attempting to skull this one, it helped a little bit to heat it up as a soup as suggested in my recipe book. Couldn’t for the life of me finish it, absolutely gross. Exchanged some texts with my boyfriend about how horrible it was.

3.15pm – Out shopping for more ingredients – I’m allergic to almonds which is a major ingredient in Juice #6 so was on the hunt for hazelnut milk and hazelnut meal to substitute. Wandering around the supermarkets looking for anything hazelnut and my inner monologue is going something like this: “Ohh look at all the bread, No! No, I don’t even want bread, I don’t even like bread. So doughy, mmmm. What’s that? Sushi! I mean..pffft who likes sushi? I don’t. I don’t even want any. I’m gonna go home and drink some juice, awww yeah. What’s that? Pizza! OMG I WANT PIZZA! Wait, no I don’t. Pizza sucks. Detoxing is good. Healthy healthy healthy..chocolate!?” The moral of the story being: For the love of God don’t go to a supermarket/anywhere that sells food while detoxing! And while we’re at it, don’t even listen to the radio. Or watch TV. It’s insane how many food ads there are or how often people talk about food. Torture.

4.30pm – Just got home from shopping. A bit late again for Juice #4: Rockmelon, Watermelon, Blueberries and Mint aka “Summer Burst”. Was looking forward to this one – it sounds so yummy! – but was a bit disappointed by the blueberry floaties which make it hard to enjoy drinking. Anyone who knows me knows I hate “bits” in my food, I’m weird about texture. Yes, other people are too, I’m not that odd.

6.00pm – My boy gets home from work and the first thing he says when coming in the door is, “Ahhhhh, I’m so hungry!”. Good thing I’m making our Dinner Juice/Soup #5: Tomato, Carrot, Basil, Capsicum and Garlic aka “Martie Toe”. Now this one is good. It tastes just like a yummy tomato soup – well, a watered down version. The basil in it is delicious. We decide to replace the ghastly Juice #3 with this one tomorrow. So much tastier.

6.35pm – The two of us set up in the kitchen to make up the four juices for tomorrow. After the crazy rush this morning, we decided it wasn’t worth draining our energy in the morning making juices on a deadline. As much as we couldn’t be bothered doing it now either, it was much better to do it now than in the morning. Ideally, the juice should be consumed as close as possible to the time it was juiced – which is why it makes more sense to juice your fruit and veggies in the morning. We’re happy to sacrifice some freshness and some loss of vitamins for the sake of our sanity.

7.45pm – I prepared the pumpkin juice earlier for Juice #6: Pumpkin, cinnamon, Hazelnut Milk and Hazelnut Meal aka “Pumpkin Pie” so I just popped the rest of the ingredients in a glass and stirred it around for our “dessert juice”. We were a bit skeptical about this one but it was surprisingly tasty. An acquired taste, but drinkable – even if it did have a few floaties.

8.00pm – We sit down to watch a movie, both pretty exhausted.

9.00pm – Bedtime! I know, ridiculously early, but the detox kit recommends you get an extra long sleep tonight and we were both ready to just pass out.

10.13pm, 11.17pm, 12.34am – Keep waking up to pee – too much damn liquid in my system! All I want to do is sleep!

1.23am – Wake up again with an incredibly dry throat and a bit of a cough. Try to have enough water to help my throat but not too much so as to wake me up an hour later to pee again.

Well, that was Day One of my DIY Detox. All in all, not too bad. Yes it really sucks not eating solid foods but I keep trying to remind myself of why I am doing this and how great I will feel afterwards. My body will love me for it. I think it’s much harder for my boyfriend – a first time detoxer – as he hasn’t experienced the amazing post-cleanse feeling so it’s hard for him. I’ve been trying to remind him to think positively and about the goal – but then he just starts talking about cupcakes and opening the pantry to smell some crackers or something. I think he’s getting a bit delirious.

Here’s to Day Two! Wish me luck!
Eleanor x